Rev. Edward Scott Kies
Called into ministry, Brother Ed has dedicated his life to the Lord by using his spiritual gifts of "Evangelism and Encourager" to point people to Jesus! Ed loves the Lord, loves God's people and carries a heavy burden for lost souls. Through his baloon ministry where he teaches children about "THE GOD WHO LOVES YOU", Ed encountered a divine appointment in 2016 when Reverend Kishon from India contacted him through Facebook. These two strangers had no idea this random encounter would turn out to be divinely orchestrated by The Creator of The Universe. This is where the Joy 2 India story begins.
An invitation for Ed to come to India with his Balloon Ministry would ignite an unrelentless passion in his heart for India and her people. Fully surrendered to God's Will, Ed obediently accepted the call to radically spread the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ throughout India, to save lost souls to JESUS, and to show the suffereing people who Jesus is by feeding the hungry, carrying for orphans and widows, teaching children about the God who loves them and by providing emergency relief to those who have fallen victim to COVID 19 and so much more!
In 2019, Joy 2 India became a 501c-3 ministry and in 2020, Ed launched weekly bible trainings through Zoom for Pastors throughout India. Hundreds of Pastors are being trained to take the message of Salvation to remote villages where lost souls are being saved, people are being baptized by the hundreds, and eternity is being changed!
In 2021, Joy 2 India is launching its very first Joy 2 India Church with the vision to plant hundreds more in the coming months and years. God is moving in India and Joy 2 India is inviting you to join the Holy Revival, where JESUS is leading the charge to save lost souls!
In humility, I stand in awe every day at what God is doing through Joy 2 India.
Under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, we are trusting and believing God for wisdom, provision and anointing to carryout our vision of planting 500 Joy 2 India Churches in the next five years.
As we take The Light of The World to India to save lost souls, my prayer is for God to be glorified through everything our hands touch and for His Will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
We are grateful for your consideration and your partnership in this Kingdom Assignment.
Love in Christ,